Top 6 Mobile Job search app

Top 6 Mobile Job search app

We have done an extensive research on the top mobile apps for job search. If you are a job Seeker and looking to apply to jobs then find the top 6 Job searching mobile app as follows :- 1. LinkedIn Linkedin is the professional networking Platform. Now a days a lot of...
Top 25 Tips for a Better Resume

Top 25 Tips for a Better Resume

1.  Be neat and error free. Catch all typo’s and grammar errors. Make sure to have someone proofread your resume, preferably someone attentive to details. Even the smallest error could land your resume in the electronic recycle bin.2.  State specific...
Body Language for Interview

Body Language for Interview

BODY LANGUAGE TIPS FOR INTERVIEW A resume is not only the thing that interviewer judges during the time of the interview. So be prepared and go through the points before you hit the next interviewPosture •   When the interviewer offers you a seat at the...
Reasons why employees Quit their Jobs

Reasons why employees Quit their Jobs

Limited career/promotion opportunitiesSupervisor lacked respect/supportCompensationJob duties boring/no challenge. These findings resonate well with a later and similarly expansive Gallup Poll, which took into account the views of employees from 44 organizations...
Proofreading Tips of Resume

Proofreading Tips of Resume

You only have one chance to make a first impression, so after writing and proofreading your resume will help you to eliminate all typos and spelling errors on your resume, which will enhance your image when the recruiter is reviewing your resume. By...