“How to Check if Your Resume is ATS-Friendly,”

You can focus on the following key points:

1. Understanding ATS and Its ImportanceATS Friendly Resume

  • What is ATS?
    • ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is software used by employers to filter and rank job applications.
  • Why is it important?
    • Many companies use ATS to manage large volumes of resumes. If your resume isn’t ATS-friendly, it may never reach a human recruiter.

2. Key Features of an ATS-Friendly Resume

  • Use of Standard Fonts and Formatting
    • Stick to fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri.
    • Avoid tables, graphics, and complex formatting, as ATS may not parse them correctly.
  • Simple Structure
    • Use clear headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills.”
    • Use bullet points to list achievements and responsibilities.
  • Keywords Optimization
    • Tailor your resume to include job-specific keywords found in the job description.
    • Use variations of key terms where appropriate.

3. How to Test if Your Resume is ATS-Friendly

  • Copy and Paste Test
    • Copy your resume and paste it into a plain text document (like Notepad). If the formatting looks off or symbols are replaced with random characters, it might not be ATS-friendly.
  • Use Online ATS Checkers
    • Tools like Jobscan, Resume Worded, or Rezi can scan your resume and provide feedback on its ATS compatibility.
  • Check for Overuse of Graphics or Columns
    • Remove any images, logos, or graphics. Ensure the text is left-aligned without multiple columns.
  • Ensure Proper Use of Keywords
    • Review the job description and make sure the relevant keywords appear naturally in your resume.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Excessive Use of Tables or Columns
    • ATS often struggles with multi-column layouts; stick to a single-column format.
  • Inconsistent Headings and Sections
    • Ensure all sections are clearly labeled and consistent throughout.
  • Over-Optimization
    • Don’t stuff your resume with keywords unnaturally; it should still be readable and make sense to human recruiters.

5. Final Thoughts

  • Get Feedback
    • Have someone review your resume, especially if they have experience with ATS software.
  • Stay Updated
    • ATS technology is always evolving, so keep your resume updated with the latest best practices.


  • Call to Action
    • Encourage readers to run an ATS check on their resumes using the methods described above and consider updating their resumes for better job prospects.